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Social Contribution

Social Contribution Participation Campaign

To internalize good corporate citizenship, we actively engage in social contribution campaigns that can easily and conveniently participate in everyday life, such as the Good Walking Campaign, Easy Market, and Corporate Citizenship Challenge.

  • Ongoing Projects

  • Environment and Local Communities

  • Seoul, Pohang, Gwangyang, etc.

The 'Good Walking Campaign' for the Benefit of Ourselves and Our Neighbors

The 'Good Walking Campaign' is an activity that donates walking steps. Upon reaching the campaign goal, we support eco-friendly product kits for the underprivileged elderly in our sister organizations. This promotes our employees' health and contributes to the well-being of vulnerable elders in the community.

The Easiest Way to Help Neighbors and Save the Planet:
'Easy Market'

Through intra-employee second-hand trading, we practice environmental protection through resource reuse, encouraging immediate action from a Save Tomorrow perspective. Part of the profits from the transactions is donated, contributing to the formation of a donation culture within the company.

Corporate Citizenship Challenge

During the challenge period, we focus on practicing individual carbon reduction activities in daily life, such as using shopping baskets, using stairs during commuting, and deleting unnecessary emails.